As Seen in...

...Seth's A Modern Trade Show handbook provides a huge lift to anyone who wants to take the leap and become a trade show magician.
Charles Greene III

...If you are thinking about jumping ino the lucrative field of trade show magic, then A Modern Trade show Handbook would be a wise investment.
John Lovick

...Seth shares an abundance of information with the reader and he certainly knows what he's talking about.
...No matter how experienced you are, I am sure that there are things within this book that you could utilize to add that little bit extra to your trade show.
Graham Hay

All of the information in this book is rock solid. If you want to be a trade show magician, A Modern Trade Show Handbook should be in your library.
Michael Close
A Modern Trade Show Handbook
by Seth Kramer
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Read the Reviews in Genii, Magic Magazine and MUM
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What readers are saying about A Modern Trade Show Handbook:
"This is the new trade show bible."
Bud Dietrich St. Louis, MO, USA
"The trade secrets of one of the top trade show magicians have been finally revealed. If you want to know what it takes to work in the high paying field of trade show magic, Kramer's book is a must read."
Danny Orleans, Chicago, IL, USA
"I wanted to tell you how much I enoyed reading your notes.
I read them a dozen times in preparation for the MUM review
so I really got to know them well. They are great and a welcome addition to the business side of magic journals."
Charles Greene III , Washington, DC
"I wish I had this information when I was starting out in trade shows."
Paul Green Granada Hills, CA, USA
"If you want to learn how to work trade shows in the real world, there are only a few people who can teach you, and even fewer who will. Seth Kramer is one of them. This is the real work for real workers."
Brad Henderson Austin, TX, USA
"I took your BIBLE with me in my flight case and have just got around to eagerly reading it. Man, this information is way too good to give away; Truly fantastic!"
Martin Sanderson West Sussex, England, UK
"Have you ever wanted to have a mentor to help you succeed as a trade show magician? ‘A Modern Trade Show Handbook’ is the next best thing to having Seth right there with you to answer all of your questions."
Paul Nardini Scotland, UK
"I read it in one sitting. Simply could not put it down. The book is literally packed with great information. I am now on my third read. Thanks Seth."
Shawn Griffin Denver, CO, USA
"I can think of no other publication currently available that covers the area of Trade Show magic in as much detail as Seth's excellent book. The advice is clearly presented and leaves no area uncovered. Simply put, if you perform or wish to perform in a trade show environment you owe it to yourself and to your business to buy A Modern Trade Show Handbook."
Nicholas Einhorn, England, UK
Trade Show Lecture/Workshop
To book Seth's highly acclaimed
trade show lecture/workshop at your next convention,contact him via e-mail:
From Abra: “The tricks were superb, the friendliness, clean material, and the whole presentation about the client were all absolutely riveting… bushels of useful lessons and know-how of invaluable help to any magicians flowed from this likeable dynamic performer. This sort of teach-in is rare."
David Hemmingway